Flawed Process

Town Meeting approved the Town Government Study Committee (TGSC) to study our government and make recommendations—not to change our government.

We are concerned that:

  •  No alternatives were presented to Town Meeting--just a move to restructure government by consolidating power in the hands of one individual and the Board of Selectmen.

   •  The TGSC benchmarking only included interviews of Town Managers and members of Boards of Selectmen from other communities – there were few if any conversations with other elected officials, town employees or community members from those other towns to find out how their system of government was working. 

   •  Although the TGSC spent months studying Wellesley government, recommendations were presented in the early summer and the active work of citizen engagement took place mainly in the two months leading up to Town Meeting. The process was rushed, without adequate time to review and analyze changes proposed by the Committee or those who sought to amend the Special Act. 

   •  Critical information was presented in a way that tried to force a specific conclusion rather than more broadly informing Town Meeting about the potential types of government restructuring possible.

   •  These factors created a contentious and grueling environment as Town Meeting members tried to make sense of and correct legal errors and inconsistencies on the floor of Town Meeting. Our citizens deserve a more thoughtful and reasoned approach to such an important decision.


Our citizens deserve a more thoughtful and reasoned approach to such an important decision.