Wellesley Schools

We are concerned about the impact of the Proposed Special Act (March 15, 2016 Ballot Question 1)  on the grass roots involvement of residents that is critical to the quality of the Wellesley School system. 
Although Wellesley has some of the best schools in the Commonwealth, we believe that School decisions must always involve an inclusive and broadly based decision making process. 
Even though the Schools will not be directly managed by the proposed Town Manager, all other town fuctions will, including budget requests which will most definitely impact all town services, including Schools.
Greater centralization as will occur by Voting "Yes" on the Special Act, works against inclusive and broad representation of Wellesley citizens.  
If you want to ensure that community voices  impacting Schools remain loud and clear then:
VOTE  "NO" on Question 1- "Special Act"

More Coming Soon - Please Check Back



In this section we will publish commentary from Wellesley residents and stakeholders who are concerned about the impact of the proposed change in town government on the Wellesley Schools.  If you are interested in commenting or contributing, please send us a message by going to our "contact us" web page.